Self care isn't always easy

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted from a private, personal space.

I’m home alone quietly preparing for an interview tomorrow night on self-care and I’m ironically feeling exhausted, drained and a bit low. The city life, the grind and hustle of launching a business, the reality of being a single divorced mom. It’s all by my choosing but that doesn’t mean it’s any easier. In all of the chatter about self-care there’s an important piece that we often forget — allowing yourself to feel the low points. Because there are low points. That doesn’t mean it’s all horrible or won’t ever feel better again. It means that we are human and real and raw. And that’s ok, too. We need to allow ourselves the breathing room to feel it all. No one is up and fabulous all the time. And no one is perfect. Lean into the hard parts, the wobbly wonky parts.

There is truth and learning there for us. Trust that you are exactly where and as you need to be. And try to honor the journey, lumps and all. There is beauty and grace everywhere, especially within, if we allow ourselves to look and find it.
